Diseases of the genitourinary system in men are difficult to treat and are recurrent. Prostate pathology affects hormone levels, emotional states, erectile and genitourinary functions.
Treatment of prostatitis in men is complicated by the fact that in the early stages of the development of disorders practically do not show themselves symptomatically. The first signs appear when the disease progresses. Early diagnosis and an adequately prescribed course of therapy are the keys to a favorable prognosis in the fight against pathology.
What is prostatitis?
With few exceptions, the term "prostatitis" refers to chronic or acute inflammation of the prostate gland. Manifestations of prostatitis in men are similar to the symptoms of other pathologies of the genitourinary system. This process leads to the blockage of glandular tissue and the appearance of the following disorders:
- Disturbances are screened.
- Reduces sexual desire.
- Erectile dysfunction.
- Pain syndrome.
This disease causes the formation of adhesions and scars. Metabolism and blood circulation in the tissues gradually decline. Irreversible changes occur that can only be corrected through surgery. There are several types of disorders depending on etiology and stage of development.
Prostatitis category
Inflammation of the mature prostate gland against the background of congestion in the pelvic area. The process quickly becomes chronic. The best time for treatment is the early stages of the disease.
Medical reference books describe 4 types of diseases, with characteristic symptoms and manifestations:
- Category I—
Acute prostatitis. The catalyst is an infection that has entered the tissue, injury, and hypothermia of the gland. Inflammation occurs suddenly and lasts 3-4 days. Without the necessary therapy it becomes chronic. Manifestation:- heat,
- fever,
- pain in the pelvic and lumbar region,
- body hangover
- Category II—
Chronic bacterial prostatitis. It starts with aggravation. Reasons for appearance: interrupted course of antibiotics, self-medication. The inflammation occurs in a latent form, without visible manifestations, until the immune system is weakened until the infection triggers a worsening disease. Treatment begins with antibiotics and NSAIDs. - Category III—
Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). A disease that mutates from acute inflammation of the prostate gland. The disorder develops slowly, irreversible changes occur, which leads to tissue obstruction. Congestive inflammation, in turn, is divided into two subgroups:Category IIIa - Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome with signs of inflammation. It is characterized by clear manifestations: low-grade fever, rising during exacerbations to 38-38. 5 °. Characteristic symptoms of male prostatitis: erectile dysfunction, hemospermia, prolonged sexual intercourse without orgasm, impaired urination.Category IIIb - Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome without signs of inflammation. In this case, the manifestation is diagnosed exclusively using instrumental research methods.
- Category IV—
Chronic prostatitis without symptoms (asymptomatic). It is considered a poorly understood disease with an incompletely understood etiology. Several leading urologists have suggested an age-related cause of the disease. No pathological symptoms.

It is difficult to cure prostatitis even in the early stages. To achieve a stable remission, it is necessary to eliminate the cause - the catalyst, overcome the complications and consequences that arise.
Why is prostatitis dangerous?
Inflammation of the prostate gland is a serious pathology that affects men's health. Possible complications and consequences of the disease:

- erectile dysfunction- scars and adhesions, due to inflammation, prevent normal blood flow in cavernous vessels. At the same time, the prostate's ability to process testosterone deteriorates. Decreased sexual desire. In the acute period, friction and ejaculation bring pain. All of the above causes erectile dysfunction. In some cases, complete sexual impotence is diagnosed.
- Infertility— chronic inflammation affects not only the prostate, but also spreads to adjacent parts and organs of the genitourinary system. Degenerative disorders often manifest themselves in ligaments: testicles + glandular tissue. The quality and volume of spermatogenesis decline. Getting pregnant from a man with advanced prostatitis is problematic.
- Development of related diseases- inflammation can spread to neighboring organs of the genitourinary system:
- urethral canal,
- bladder,
- kidney,
- scrotum
- Death- the danger of death exists with purulent diseases. If treatment for acute male prostatitis is not started on time and a purulent formation appears that develops into an abscess, the patient's life is at risk. A ruptured cavity towards the rectum leads to general intoxication and may result in death.
In severe cases, surgery is required. Unlike adenoma or malignant hyperplasia, surgery is prescribed very rarely and does not guarantee the prevention of recurrence.
Which doctor treats prostatitis?
It all depends on the manifestation of the disease. Urologists remain the main ones. It is this specialist who deals with the pathology of the male genitourinary system, including inflammation of the prostate. In the case of some violations, it is necessary to involve doctors of other specializations.

Current clinical guidelines indicate the need to promote:
- Psychiatrist— help is needed if pain and other manifestations create a psychological rejection of sexual intercourse, impotence without physical disturbances.
- Immunologist— antibacterial therapy and long-term drugs cause a strong blow to the body. Protective functions and the ability to resist infection are reduced. Some forms of prostatitis begin with autoimmune diseases. In each of these situations, the help of an immunologist will be needed.
- Surgeons— opening a purulent abscess, performing TUR, prostatectomy, and removing calcifications are performed by specialists. A surgeon's help will be needed to remove adhesions in the seminal ducts and restore reproductive function.
A number of specialists required for the complete healing of the patient convincingly prove that it is impossible to cure prostatitis on its own, let alone get rid of complications. Qualified help is needed.
How to recognize prostatitis
The peculiarity of this disease lies in the fact that for a long period the inflammation develops asymptomatically in a latent form. The first signs of prostatitis are often associated with: fatigue, radiculitis, diseases of the genitourinary system. The pain stops after taking analgesic or antispasmodic tablets. But the inflammation of the prostate gland continues until the disorder becomes global. A man goes to the doctor, where he is given an unpleasant diagnosis.
However, the most effective way to get rid of prostatitis is early diagnosis and prompt treatment. The chance of a complete cure is about 80%.
To distinguish inflammation from other diseases, several diagnostic tests are performed:

- Rectal method— the doctor investigates the structure of the gland by inserting a finger into the anus, which allows to identify any anomalies and deviations.
- Ultrasound and TRUS— Diagnostic ultrasound remains the research standard due to its low cost and availability. The monitor shows the loose structure of the gland, indicating inflammation; it is possible to detect calcification and other signs of prostatitis.
- Clinical and biochemical tests of blood and urine- indicates the presence of inflammation, and also identifies infectious agents.
- Spermogram- decreased sperm vitality and speed, characteristic signs of congestive prostatitis and blockage of glandular tissue. Bacteria and pathogens are found in the ejaculate during infectious diseases.
- MRI and PET-CT- the most reliable diagnostic method. Due to the high cost, screening is prescribed only if the results of previous tests are unclear, as well as if cancer is suspected.
Tomography reveals early signs of prostatitis, which cannot be achieved by other diagnostic methods. If abnormalities in the function of the prostate gland are suspected, MRI remains the type of instrumental examination of choice.
How long does it take to treat
Stories of miraculous deliverance in a few days are nothing more than fairy tales. There is no quick way to treat prostatitis. After diagnosing inflammation, you need to follow long-term therapy and radical changes in eating habits and lifestyle. Only in this case is it possible to defeat the disease.
Modern and effective methods of treating prostatitis have made it possible to shorten the duration of therapy. With an integrated approach, significant improvement can be achieved within 2-3 months.
Doctors have learned to cope with the consequences of prostatitis. The unique therapy method helps to eliminate infertility, restore normal erection, and increase sexual desire.
After achieving a stable remission, you need to regularly take herbal medicine, attend physical therapy sessions for prevention, and maintain male health in other ways.
How is prostatitis treated?
There are no effective pills, after taking all the unpleasant symptoms will disappear. Among traditional medicines there is no such miracle medicine either. The best method of treating prostatitis in men with proven effectiveness includes an integrated approach: medicine + physical therapy + unconventional methods.
Official medicine offers conservative treatment. After completing the course, unpleasant symptoms and negative manifestations of the disease disappear. In the second stage, the task is to eliminate the complications that arise.
Advanced non-invasive methods have increased the likelihood of a favorable outcome for this disease. Surgery is required in no more than 10-15% of cases.
With the help of drugs
Conservative therapy is carried out to eliminate symptoms. The following drug groups are prescribed:

- NSAIDs- relieves inflammation, heat and fever. They have a slight analgesic effect. When prostatitis begins, short-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins is necessary to keep the gland in a normal state. Medicines are available in suppositories, tablets, and injections.
- Antibiotics- designed to eliminate infectious or bacteriological inflammatory factors. The treatment regimen for prostatitis is prescribed after the pathogen has been identified and its resistance to antibiotics has been tested. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. In severe cases, therapy is extended to two weeks.
- Hormones- recommended if the usual course of medication does not bring any benefit, as well as with a decrease in sexual desire due to advanced diseases. Treatment with hormones in the early stages is prohibited. Medicines are taken under the strict supervision of a urologist.
- Symptomatic medicine— to relieve pain, take acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Spasms are removed by antispasmodic agents. For persistent severe pain, blockade with anesthetics is indicated.
- Vitaminsand medication to maintain prostate function. During the period of remission, it is recommended to take medication to normalize metabolism and increase blood supply to glandular tissue and juice production. For this purpose, herbal medicine is prescribed. To strengthen the immune system, vitamin and mineral complexes are indicated.
Medicines themselves are dangerous and do more harm than good. Before taking any of these drugs, you should consult a urologist.
Using physiotherapy
Prostatitis is characterized by widespread congestion in the pelvic area, which significantly complicates therapy. Taking the drug turned out to be ineffective, because the active component could not be delivered by the blood vessels to the prostate gland.
To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, immediately after the exacerbation is relieved, physiotherapy is included in the treatment of prostatitis in men.
In addition to traditional electrophoresis, the following techniques are prescribed:
- UHF and microwave.
- Magnetotherapy.
- Mud therapy.
- Galvanization.
- Ultraphonophoresis.
- Laser treatment.
- Heat therapy.
Most of the listed procedures are included in the complex of techniques used in spa treatments. Contraindications to permanent physiotherapy: periods of acute inflammation, development of tumor tumors, individual intolerance in the patient.
Natural medicine
Modern methods of treating prostatitis increasingly combine official methods with alternative medicine. In ancient times, our ancestors treated prostatitis with herbal infusions, decoctions and bee products. The disease itself did not disappear, but the unpleasant symptoms were relieved.
Some methods have survived to this day:
- Apitherapy— bee products are used to eliminate inflammation and strengthen the immune system. Honey is a natural antibiotic. Used in treatment: death, propolis, wax, pollen, poison. Compress and massage honey, tincture is made.
- A collection of herbs- urological compounds are sold in pharmacies and you can prepare them yourself. Herbs treat urinary disorders, relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Some plants are good antiseptics. Decoctions and teas are prepared from the collection, and are added when preparing compotes and tinctures.
In the old days there were no hospitals or pharmacies. Diseases are treated using the gift of "Mother Nature. "After prescribing a course of medication, the urologist will definitely recommend one of the alternative medicine recipes: herbal medicine or apitherapy.

Only an integrated approach to the fight against prostatitis will help get rid of the disease once and for all. The success of treatment depends on early diagnosis and careful adherence to the urologist's recommendations.